Theological Thoughts

How Did We Get Here? The Subverted Tertiary Church

What a story this flag tells: the centrality of the Primary Community of America, the embattled and threatened identity by the ragged/buckshot font, the union of Jesus and Trump, the rightness of a division between presidency and savior-hood.

What a story this flag tells: the centrality of the Primary Community of America, the embattled and threatened identity by the ragged/buckshot font, the union of Jesus and Trump, the rightness of a division between presidency and savior-hood.

January 6, 2021 was the day the US Capitol was stormed by supporters of President Donald Trump. Some among the crowd are shown bearing Christian symbols, a crowd that also chanted things like, “Hang Mike Pence” who himself identifies as an Evangelical Christian. How did it come to this?

This article provides a helpful way of thinking about these events and where the church is in this time. I argue that the church has become a “tertiary community” after millennia as a “secondary community” and that this explains the subversion that’s happened.